American teenagers trying to join ISIS

If you think teenage girls in America are the stupidest possible subset of the human race, I have news for you: you are absolutely right.

CNN recently reported on two different stories out of Colorado where teenage girls tried to skip school so they could run away to join ISIS in Syria.  One story was about a 19-year-old and the other story was a group of three girls, aged 15, 15, and 17. In both cases the details were relatively the same – a young girl falls in love with an ISIS fighter through Facebook and runs away from home to join him in the Middle East.

Let’s just take a minute to try to understand what is going through these girls’ heads. What do they honestly think will happen? Do they think they’ll be whisked away on a romantic honeymoon to Fiji when they marry this dude they met on Facebook? Why do they think it’s okay to marry someone they’ve never met? Forget the fact that it’s a murderous terrorist for a second. It’s still absolutely idiotic to think it would be a good idea to run away from home to marry somebody you’ve never met in a foreign country when you’re 15. I didn’t think it was actually possible for someone to be so stupid.

Some of the news reports try to make sense of why ISIS has been so successful in recruiting westerners. They point to successful social media campaigns, religious duty, and a sense of identity. Whenever I hear in a news report that these groups are preying on individuals that are “searching for identity,” I immediately think to myself – these kids are total losers. I mean, don’t these kids usually just wear black clothes and smoke weed in the back parking lot? At least that way they can have some fun. All you’ll get from your terrorist marriage is a life full of being raped until you get stoned to death.

My advice to the FBI: next time you catch one of these girls running away, don’t stop them.